The birth of Ebihal

Én volnék meg a balintI have been fishing since I was 4 years old. At the age of 8 I fell in love with spinning, then came two decades of fly fishing and I got back to my favourite passion again a few years ago.

In the evenings I put my bait boxes on my lap and look at the soft lures and hard baits one by one. Every week I order some exotic lures from some exotic countries and I am always waiting excitedly to throw with them.

Many of them are barely or not at all known in Hungary. I have decided to show them to my fellow anglers.

So I opened the Ebihal web shop and placed the focus of procurement to east of us but not the Far East (!) Ebihalat.

Különösen vonz kulturális értelemben is ez a világ – Lengyelországban tanultam egyetemen, illetve néhány éve Kijev szerelmese lettem, ráadásul az ukrán és orosz emberek melankóliája valami különös rezgést kelt bennem, talán a gyerekkorom érzései elevenednek meg, ha köztük vagyok. És a gumihalaik közt 🙂

It is a strange feeling that with no exception all my products are brought from the countries of the former Soviet era. I recall my teenage years when we were daydreaming about Western stuff but at least Germina. Now I am looking at east and live and die for Russian, Bulgarian, Romanian stuff. I wouldn’t have thought 40 years ago that my life would take such turns.

My family’s forgiving love accompanies me on my journey.

It pulls my heart home

So, I became committed to the East but of course I consider important to get to know and represent the flourishing Hungarian handicraft culture. Therefore, hopefully Hungarian baits and spinning accessories will be present in increasing numbers on Ebihal .

Moreover, my dream is that one day the shelves of Ebihal will have ONLY and exclusively products from Hungarian manufacturers.

To reach this I am waiting for the application of Hungarian craftsmen. I will happily make room for their products.

Thanks for reading it!

Biró Csaba